Saturday, July 26, 2008

PAUL FINDLEY They Dare to Speak Out Acknowledgments

Alfred M. Lilienthal, a Jewish lawyer and author, warned a half-century ago in his prophetic book, What Price Israel?, that the establish­ment of Israel would lead to deep trouble for the United States and Judaism. Together with his other valiant literary endeavors, What Price Israel? inspired much of the information in the closing chapter of this vol­ume. I first met this great man on November 24, 1978, when he called at my office in the U.S. House of Representatives to give me a copy of his latest and greatest book, The Zionist Connection.
If policy-makers in Washington had heeded Lilienthal's warning, Jews and Arabs would have lived happily together all these years, and many thousands of people in the Middle East would have been spared violent deaths. Moreover, I believe that 9/11 would never have occurred. I wel­come this opportunity to thank Lilienthal for the inspiration and under­standing that he provides me and thousands of other people.
The most recent contributor to my ongoing education about the Middle East is Nizar Wattad, a 2002 summa cum laude graduate of George Washington University and a member of the editorial staff of the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, a magazine published nine times a year by retired U.S. Foreign Service officers Andrew L. Killgore and Richard H. Curtiss. They granted Wattad a part-time leave of absence so that he could apply his skills in bringing coherence and gram­matical order to my text. Noor Naciri, a Nashville friend of many years, and Wolf Fuhrig, a retired professor and neighbor, also provided valu­able editorial criticism. Our grandson, graduate student Andy Findley, provided critical research.
5 They Dare to Speak Out
This book had its genesis in early December 1982, when I was called to the Republican cloakroom, an area just off the floor of the House of Representatives where congressmen receive telephone calls, have a light lunch, or await legislative developments. The House was engaged in a post-election "lame duck" session, finishing business that had been put off by campaign pressures. Waiting on the phone was a nationally promi­nent citizen I had known and admired for years. He expressed his regret at my defeat at the polls the previous month, then suggested that I write a book about Israel's lobby, even proposing the title. He insisted that I not mention his name in the text.
That telephone call was one of the most momentous of my life. It started me down a fascinating trail of discovery that has absorbed most of my time and energies ever since. It led me to write this book and its subsequent editions, two other books—Deliberate Deceptions: Facing the Facts About the U.S.—Israeli Relationship, published in 1993 by Lawrence Hill Books, an imprint of Chicago Review Press, and more recently by the American Educational Trust; and Silent No More: Confronting Amer­ica's False Images of Islam, published in 2001 by Amana Publications in Beltsville, Maryland—and more than two hundred articles that have been published in magazines and newspapers.
In preparing the text, I had the support of many people. To my amazement, no one declined to be interviewed, but I was not surprised when several of them insisted on anonymity. Much of the information in the text was volunteered by career government officials who want the public to be aware of how the lobby functions, but who insisted that their own names be withheld. Four of the five people who contributed the most to the actual editing of my manuscript made the same request. Recognizing the lobby's capacity for retribution, they said such mention would harm their careers. One said bluntly, "In helping you, I'm taking a big chance. If this gets out, I will be fired from my job." Robert W. Wichser, a good friend and for fourteen years the director of my con­gressional staff in Washington, is the only member of this group that I feel free to identify. He perished in flood waters in December 1985.
Fortunately, I can publicly recognize several other people who also provided yeoman service: Donald Neff, the former Middle East corre­spondent for Time magazine who has written five books on the Arab-Israeli conflict; the late George W. Weller, author and former for-
Acknowledgments 377
eign correspondent for the Chicago Daily News; and former Senator James Abourezk, who founded the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Com­mittee in 1980.
For eighteen months my attachment to a word processor was so con­stant that my wife, Lucille, occasionally described herself—without really complaining—as a Wang widow, taking the name of the equipment I used in writing the first edition. In fact, when she first learned that I was considering writing this book, she offered to live on beans and water if need be to see the project to completion. The Spartan diet was unnec­essary, thanks to a grant provided by Sangamon State University, since renamed the University of Illinois in Springfield. The grant was funded by the American Middle East Peace Research Institute.
My quest for a publisher began in March 1983 and was predictably long and frustrating. In declining to represent me, New York literary agent Alexander Wylie forecast with prophetic vision that no major U.S. publisher would accept my book. He wrote, "It's a sad state of affairs." Bruce Lee of William Morrow and Company called my manuscript "out­standing," but said his company concluded that publishing it "would cause trouble in the house and outside." Robert Loomis of Random House called it an "important book," but his employer decided the theme was "too sensitive." Twenty other publishers also said no.
In July 1984, veteran publisher Lawrence Hill agreed to take the gamble. When he died in March 1988, I lost a friend, and the cause of human rights lost an able advocate. He would rejoice, I am sure, to know that They Dare to Speak Out now appears in an expanded, updated edi­tion, as well as in Arabic, Indonesian, Malaysian, Urdu, and German.
Since publication of the fitst edition in June 1985, response to this book has been remarkable. The work has elicited more than 50 reviews in periodicals, more than 100 appearances on television and radio pro­grams, and lectures on 30 campuses. Despite lobby attempts to curtail sales in the early months of its publication, the total sold soon topped 300,000.1 received more than 900 letters and telephone calls from read­ers. All but a handful were cordial, and most of them asked what they could do to help curb the influence of Israel's lobby.
Many of these readers became supporters of the Council for the National Interest (CNI) and its affiliate, the CNI Foundation, both Wash­ington-based organizations that I helped found. Gene Bird, a former U.S.
5 They Dare to Speak Out
Foreign Service officer, is president of CNI. Former Representative Paul N. "Pete" McCloskey is chairman of the board of directors. Former Ambassador Edward L. Peck heads the CNI Foundation. If you wish to help—and I hope you will—write to CNI, 1250 4th Street SW, WG-1, Washington, D.C. 20024, or call (202) 863-2951. To keep informed on important issues and developments, read the Washington Report on Mid­dle East Affairs. To subscribe to the publication, write to P.O. Box 53062, Washington, DC 20009, or call (800) 368-5788.
Washington Post, April 17, 2002.
2John Abrams, "Wolfwitz Booed at Pro-Israel Rally," Associated Press, April 15, 2002. 3E-Mail form Bahrain, May 14, 2002.
4Findley, Paul, Deliberate Deceptions: Facing the Facts About the U.S.-Israel Relationship (Washington, DC: American Educational Trust, 1995).
5Lynfield and Macmillan, "Are the Israelis Guilty of Mass Murder?", The Scotsman, April 19, 2002. 6"Palestinians in Jenin Camp Turn Down U.S. Relief Aid," Reuters, April 25, 2002. 7Andrew Clark, "House Panel Clears Aid to Israel, Palestinians," Reuters, May 10, 2002. 877m9Martha Ezzard, "Few Question Congress' Blind Support for Sharon," Atlanta Journal-Constitution, May 12, 2002.
10"Profiles in Courage: U.S. Lawmakers Stand Up for Moral Justice in Middle East," Arab News, May 5, 2002. nEzzard.
nCAIR Bulletin, May 3, 2002.
Chapter 2: King of the Hill
*Paul N. McCloskey, address before Conference on "U.S. Economic and Policy Challenges in the Arab World," sponsored by American Arab Affairs Council, Birmingham, Alabama, March 4, 1983.
2A number of professionals in pro-Israel lobbying groups provided information for this chapter, but fearing an adverse impact on their future careers, preferred to remain anonymous. 3James G. Abourezk, interview, July 27, 1984.
4New York Times, September 7, 1982. M. J. Rosenberg, editor of Near East Report, stated in an interview on September 5, 1983 that his publication does not publish criticism of Israeli policies lest this be construed as a schism within the pro-Israel Jewish community.
5Letter to the author from Don Bergus, July 10, 1984.
6Stephen Rosenfeld, Present Tense, spring 1983.
Washington Post, September 27, 1983.
interview with confidential source.
9Richmond Times-Dispatch, October 2, 1983.
10White House Press Release, October 18, 1983.
11 John Wilhelm, statement to the Board for International Food and Agricultural Development, January 5, 1984.
12Interview with confidential source. 13New York Times, March 15, 1984.
5 Notes
u Washington Post, April 10, 1984.
I interview with confidential source.
16The United States had engaged in indirect talks with the PLO during the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982 and earlier during the Carter and Nixon administrations. 17 National Journal, May 13, 1978.
18Congressional Record, October 3, 1984, page HI0961; hearings, Trade Sub-committee, Ways and Means Committee, May 22, 1984. 19Mideast Observer, November 15, 1984. 20Ibid., November 1, 1983.
21Janine Zacharia, "Israel's Stake in Congress," Jerusalem Post, December 18, 2000.
II Jewish Exponent, November 11, 1983.
23Federal Election Committee Summary Report, 1999-2000 election cycle. 24Eli Kintisch, "Campaign Finance Bill May BE Boost for Jewish Grassroots Donors," Forward, March 22, 2002.
25"Pro-Israel and Arab-and Muslim-American PAC Contributions," Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, May/June 2001. 26Wall Street Journal, August 3, 1983. "Village Voice, June 14, 1983.
28Thomas Dine, address before Jewish community leaders, Austin, Texas, November 1982. 29Yedi'ot Aharonot (Jerusalem), November 27, 1984.
30George Sunderland, "Counterpunch Special Report: Our Vichy Congress,", May 9, 2002.
Chapter 3: Stilling the Still, Small Voices.
I Congressional Record, June 5, 1980. 2McCloskey, interview, May 10, 1983. 3^Congressional Record, June 5, 1980. ANew York Times Magazine, April 18, 1971.
5McCloskey, address to Kenna Club, Santa Clara, California, August 13, 1982.
6McCloskey, Truth and Untruth, Political Deceit in America.
*HaKol (Stanford University), March 1981. 9New York Times Magazine, April 18, 1971. 10McCloskey, interview, May 10, 1983.
II New York Magazine, June 14, 1971. 12Ibid.
13San Jose Mercury, October 23, 1978.
14McCloskey, interview, May 10, 1983.
15Letter from McCloskey to Earl Raab, August 11, 1981.
16'Los Angeles Times, August 2, 1981.
^Redlands Daily Facts, April 11, 1981. 19San Francisco Examiner, August 17, 1981. 10San Francisco Examiner, August 26, 1981. 21 B'nai B'rith Messenger, August 7, 1981.
22Letter from McCloskey to B'nai B'rith Messenger, October 21, 1983. 23B'nai B'rith Messenger, October 2, 1981. 24Douglas Blomfield, interview, October 8, 1983. 25B'nai B'rith Messenger, August 7, 1981.
26McCloskey, interview, May 10, 1983; also see Palo Alto Times Tribune, August 17, 1982.
"Heritage and Southwest Jewish Press, August 7, 1981.
28San Francisco Examiner, August 15, 1982.
29McCloskey, interview, May 10 1983.
30Sacramento Bee, December 17, 1982.
31Los Angeles Times, August 2, 1981.
Notes 5
32Congressional Record, September 22, 1982. 33 Congressional Record, December 21, 1982. 34McCloskey, interview, May 10, 1983. 35Ibid. 36Ibid.
37The memorandum, dated March 1, 1983, was headed: "To ADL regional directors from Justin J. Finger."
38Letter to McCloskey to David Marks of the guest Professorship Board of ASSP; see also Stanford Daily, November 9, 1982. 35'Stanford Daily, February 8, 1983. AQ StanfordReview, May 25, 1983. Ax Washington Post, July 28, 1983. 42San Jose Mercury News, May 27, 1983. "Stanford Daily, April 29, 1983.
44Letter to Jeffrey Au from Prof. Hubert Marshall, April 19, 1983.
^Washington Post, August 19, 1979.
"Washington Star, August 21, 1979.
A1 Washington Post, August 21, 1979.
^Washington Post, August 22, 1979. 52Ibid.
"Washington Star, August 23, 1979. ^Washington Post, August 23, 1979. 55Walter Fauntry, interview, July 26, 1983. ^Washington Post, September 17, 1979. "Washington Post, September 21, 1979. ^Washington Post, September 23, 1979.
59Jews Speak Out: Views form the Diaspora, a pamphlet published by International Center for Peace in the Middle East (Tel Aviv).
^Michael Nieditch, interview, September 24, 1983.
61Charles Whalen, letter to the author, February 17, 1984.
62Richard Nolan, interview, February 17, 1984.
63"Chicago Sun-Times, October 17, 1981.
"Washington Post, October 25, 1981.
^Mideast Observer, November 1, 1983.
"Washington Post, May 12, 1983.
67Public meeting, room 2200, Rayburn Building, Washington, September 26, 1984. 68Ibid.
69Regard for the influence of pro-Israeli lobbying interests compelled the Congressman to request anonymity.
70Sheldon Richman, "AIPAC President Resigns," Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, December/January 1992/1993. 71Mervyn Dymally, interview, March 8, 1984. 72Ibid. 73Ibid.
74Letter from Dymally to Barry Binder, February 29, 1984.
75Dymally, interview, March 8, 1984.
17 Wall Street Journal, August 3, 1983.
78Hearings of the Subcommittee on Europe and Middle East, February 28, 1983. 79New York Times, November 11, 1983. *Q Congressional Record, November 8, 1983. 81 Anonymous Capitol Hill source.
5 Notes
*2 Congressional Record, November 10, 1983.
87Near East Report, May 11, 1984; Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, May 28, 1984.
88Nick Rahall II, letter to the author, June 6, 1984.
90Rahall, interview, June 8, 1984.
91Congressional Record, September 28, 1983.
92Interview with a confidential Administration source present at the discussion. 93Zacharia, "Israel's Stake in Congress," Jerusalem Post, December 18, 2000 94Barbara Ferguson, "Profiles in Courage: U.S. Lawmakers Stand Up for Moral Justice in Middle East," Arab News, May 5, 2002.
95Speech of honorable Mark Green of Wisconsin in the House of Representatives, May 2, 2002. 96CAIR press release, May 2, 2002.
Chapter 4: The Deliberative Body Fails to Deliberate
'Hassan, Crown Prince of Jordan, interview, May 11, 1983. 2Time, September 20, 1982.
1Jewish Chicago, October 1982; Chicago Sun-Times, September 14 and 16, 1983. Illinois Issues, November 1977; Nation, December 11, 1976; March 3, 1979, March 5, 1979; Foreign Affairs, October, 1974. ''Chicago Magazine, June 1979. ('Chicago, June 1979.
7Chicago Daily News, November 1, 1974.
*New York Times Magazine, February 22, 1970; Washington Post, November 24, 1970. 9New Republic, February 24, 1979; Nation, March 3,1979.
^Washington Post, February 9, 1979; Christian Science Monitor, February 5, 1979.
nAdlai E. Stevenson III, interview, June 9, 1983.
13The Israel Bond "Man of the Year" designation was awarded to Stevenson on December 15, 1974, and recorded in the Congressional Record, January 10, 1975. The AJC in 1977 awarded Stevenson a commendation and a plaque for his work opposing the trade boycott against Israel. The Weizman Institute established the Adlai E. Stevenson III Chair in endocrinology and reproductive biology in recognition of the Senator's steadfast support of the Institute and its work.
uJacksonville Journal Courier (Jacksonville, Illinois), August 31, 1982. Though the Washington office of AIPAC had produced the defamatory document, an AIPAC spokesman at the time expressed displeasure at seeing AIPAC material thus used in a political campaign. Such political smear tactics have become less common for AIPAC under the more sophisticated leadership of director Thomas Dine.
15Adlai Stevenson, The Middle East: 1976, report to the Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs, U.S. Senate, on his study mission to the Middle East conducted between February 10 and 25, 1976.
16Congressional Record, June 17, 1980. ,7Ibid.
18Stevenson, interview, June 9, 1980
19Rennan Lee Teslik, Congress, the Executive Branch and Special Interests: The American Response to the Arab Boycott of Israel. 20Stevenson, interview, June 9, 1983.
21Letter from Theodore R. Mann to Adlai Stevenson III, July 28, 1977. "Jewish Chicago, October, 1982. ^Jacksonville Journal Courier, August 31, 1981.
24Sentinel, September 30, 1982; Waukegan News Sun, November 9, 1982. 25 Chicago Sun-Times, June 27, 1982.
Notes 5
^Chicago Sun-Times, September 14, 1982. 27Stevenson, interview, June 9, 1983. 28Bettylu Saltzman, interview, June 16, 1983. 29Grace Mary Stern, interview, October 18, 1983. 30Stevenson, interview, June 9, 1983. 3lTime, November 15, 1983. 32-Chicago Tribune, September 10, 1982. "Chicago Sun-Times, September 16, 1982. 34Stevenson, interview, June 9, 1983. 35 Time, November 15, 1982.
36Illinois Supreme Court Docket No. 57637, Agenda 52, November 1982.
37Waukegan News Sun, November 9, 1982.
38Chicago Sun-Times, September 14, 1982.
39Rick Jasculca, interview, October 18, 1983.
40Present Tense, spring 1983.
41Stevenson, interview, June 9, 1983.
41New York Times Magazine, November 24, 1984.
43Haynes Johnson and Bernard N. Gwertzman, "Fulbright, the Dissenter." 44Ibid.
45New York Times, June 2, 1974.
"Foreign Affairs, Spring 1979.
47Time, June 10, 1974.
48J.W. Fulbright, "The Arrogance of Power."
49 Congressional Record, August 1, 1963.
50Walter Pincus, interview, November 14, 1983.
52National Journal, May 18, 1970.
"New York Times, August 23, 1970; National Observer, August 31, 1980; New Republic, October 10, 1970.
54New York Times, April 5, 1971; Fulbright, "The Crippled Giant."
55"Face the Nation" (on CBS), April 15, 1073; Washington Post, May 31, 1973.
^Washington Post, May 31, 1973.
"Christian Science Monitor, January 24, 1974; New Republic, April 27, 1974; Newsweek, June 10, 1974.
58Fulbright, interview, June 3, 1983. 59Pincus, interview, November 14, 1983. 60New York Times Magazine, May, 1974. 61Fulbright, interview, June 3, 1983.
62Memorandum from the Washington office of B'nai B'rith, May 7, 1974. 63National Observer, November 16, 1974.
"Washington Post, November 5, 1974; Fulbright, address at Westminster College, Fulton, Missouri, November 2, 1974. 65Fulbright, interview, June 3, 1983. "National Observer, November 16, 1974. 67Abourezk, interview, August 1, 1984. 68Near East Report, February 13, 1974.
69I.L. Kennen, letter to Ms. Carol V. Bernstein, February 25, 1974.
70AIPAC later sent a memorandum to its Connecticut membership, as well as, state leaders, denouncing Ribicoff for his attendance at the luncheon. 71 Abourezk, On Democracy and Dissent (Middle East Affairs Council, 1977). 71Boston Globe Magazine, April 29, 1984. 73Interview with confidential source. 74Ibid. 75Ibid.
76The letter was sent to President Ford on May 21, 1975.
5 Notes
"Washington Post, March 8, 1978. 78Ibid.
"Washington Post, May 7, 1978. 80Ibid.
"Washington Post, April 22, 1978. 82Ibid.
83Interview with confidential source. uWall Street Journal, March 13, 1978. 85Interview with confidential source. 86Ibid.
%1 Washington Star, April 16, 1981. 88AP Wire Service, September 21, 1981. ^Washington Post, September 28, 1981. 90Ibid.
91AP Wire Service, September 21, 1981. ^Washington Post, November 25, 1981. ^Boston Globe Magazine, April 29, 1984. ^Washington Post, July 9, 1973. ^Washington Post, December 5, 1971.
^Nation, December 8, 1975; Washington Post, November 26, 1975.
97Biography of Senator Charles Mathias, Jr., prepared by the office of Senator Mathias, June 1, 1978.
™Baltimore Sun, December 3, 1980. 9''Washington Post, June 2, 1974. ^Washington Post, June 28, 1981. ^Baltimore Sun, December 8, 1980. 102Ibid.
103Biography of Senator Mathias.
mForeign Affairs, spring 1981.
mJewish Times (Baltimore), July 3, 1981.
106'Evening Sun (Baltimore), July 13, 1981.
107Jewish Times, July 3, 1981.
^Baltimore Sun, November 5, 1981.
109Discussion of difficult issues involving the Middle East, Israel and American Jews, such as the AWACS sale to Saudi Arabia, always raises the issue of anti-Semitism on Capitol Hill; Washington Post, November 29, 1981; New York Times, October 28, 1981.
noJewish Times, July 3, 1981; Baltimore Sun, July 6, 1981.
nxJewish Times, July 3, 1981.
112Senator Mathias, interview, August 3, 1983.
^Baltimore Jewish Times, October 29, 1982.
^Washington Post, June 28, 1975.
^Jewish Times, October 29, 1982.
"'Chicago Tribune, July 21, 1983.
n7Interview with a confidential source.
mNew York Times, August 16, 1984.
n-Journal-Register (Springfield, Illinois), December 8, 1984.
120Paul Simon, interview, December 7, 1984; Journal-Register, December 8, 1984.
121 Interviews, Percy, November 13, 1984, and Simon, December 7, 1984.
ulYedi'ot Aharonot (Jerusalem), November 27, 1984.
123Arab News, Bahrain Daily, April 5, 2001.
Chapter 5: The Lobby and the Oval Office
'Charles Barnett, interview, November 1, 1983. 2Myer Feldman, interview, October 30, 1983. Confidential interview.
4John Snetsinger, "Truman, the Jewish Vote, and the Creation of Israel"; Robert Donovan, "Conflict
Notes 5
and Crisis: the Presidency of Harry S Truman, 1945-1948"; Roberta Feuerlicht, "The Fate of the Jews."
5Snetsinger, op. cit. 6Feuerlicht, op. cit.
7Evan M. Wilson, "Decision on Palestine"; Christian Science Monitor, June 16, 1981.
Confidential interview.
10Quoted by Tillman, op. cit.
"Stephen Green, "Taking Sides: Americas Secret Relations with a Militant Israel"; Wilbur Crane Eveland, "Ropes of Sand: Americas Failure in the Middle East." 12Green, op. cit. 13Ibid. 14Ibid.
15Stephen D. Isaacs, "Jews and American Politics."
16Green, op. cit.
22Isaacs, op. cit. 23Eveland, op. cit. 24Green, op. cit. 25Ibid.
26So close was Johnson's friendship with the Krims that they were the first beyond the Johnson family to learn of the president's decision not to seek re-election in 1968. 27Neff, interview, May 23, 1984. 28Green, op. cit. 29Isaacs.
30Henry A. Kissenger, "Years of Upheaval." 31Richard M. Nixon, interview, July 26, 1984. ^Manchester Guardian, October 10, 1976. 33George W. Ball, "The Past Has Another Pattern." 34Ibid.
35Foreign Affairs, Winter, 1975/76; New York Times, August 25, 1982.
^Washington Post, July 11, 1982.
37Ball, interview, June 10, 1983.
38Confidential interview.
^Economist (London), October 20, 1979.
40New York Times, October 12, 1979.
41New York Times, October 22, 1979.
^Washington Star, October 13, 1979.
"Christian Science Monitor, October 16, 1979.
44The Nation, November 3, 1979.
"Washington Post, October 15, 1979.
"Los Angeles Times, December 29, 1974.
41 Washington Post, November 6, 1979.
49New York Times, October 15, 1979. ^Washington Post, December 27, 1983. 51Ibid. 52Ibid.
"Chicago Tribune, December 5, 1983.
54$300 million was to be spent in the U.S. for development of the Israeli Lavi fighter plane, while an additional $250 million was authorized to be spent in Israel. This $250 million, an unprecedented U.S. subsidy to a foreign industry, was the issue behind the Rahall amendment.
5 Notes
55Near East Report, December 23, 1983. ^Washington Post, March 16, 1984. 57New York Times, March 15, 1984. 58New York Times, March 22, 1984. 59Ibid.
^Washington Post, March 2, 1980.
61 Washington Post, March 5, 1980.
62 Wall Street Journal, March 5 and 7, 1980; Washington Post, March 6 and 12, 1980. 63Ibid.
^Washington Post, November 6 and 9, 1980. 66Albert Joseph, interview, August 15, 1984. 67 Wall Street Journal, March 23, 1984. ™Los Angeles Times, July 14, 1984.
69"United States Senator Gary Hart on the Issues: Israel and the Middle East (two page summary prepared by the Hart presidential campaign, undated)"; Near East Report, January 13, 1984. 70New York Times, September 15, 1983; Near East Report, January 6 and 13, 1984. 71Boston Globe, February 15 and 20, 1983. 72Ibid.
73New York Times, September 14, 1983.
^Confidential interview.
75Lucius Battle, interview, May 21, 1983.
7(1 New York Times, February 4, 1979.
'"Washington Post, March 14, 1984. "Washington Post, October 6, 1979. "Washington Post, October 12, 1984. "Newsweek, January 16, 1984. 82Ibid.
83 Washington Post, March 29, 1984. 84Chicago Sun-Times, February 27, 1984. 85 Washington Post, April 7, 8, and 14, 1984. 86Confidential interview.
87Scott McConnell, "Bush vs. Sharon: The Sequel,", April 9, 2002. 88Ibid.
89Lawrence McQuillan, "Bush Exerts Careful Pressure on Israel," USA Today, April 10, 2002. 90George Szamuely, "Israel's Powerful Friends," New York Press, June 6, 2000. 9lMcQuillan.
Chapter 6: Penetrating the Defenses at Defense and State.
'This chapter is based upon interviews with 17 present and former officials from the Department of Defense the Department of State, and the White House. Where considerations of career security permit, these sources have been identified.
2Thomas Pianka, interview, November 17, 1983.
3Neff, "Warriors for Jerusalem."
4Les Janka, interview, August 16, 1983.
5Zbigniew Brzezinski, interview, October 31, 1983.
6Israel is the only country where the United States permits such limitations.
7Andrew Young, interview, May 10, 1983.
8See Chapter Two.
5Newsweek, September 3, 1979.
10 Washington Post, March 2, 1977.
"Washington Post, February 18, 1977.
12Abourezk, interview, August 1, 1984.
legislation was introduced in 1984 to provide Israel with open U.S. financing for its foreign aid activities. See Chapter Two.
Motes 5
14Ambassador John C. West, interview, April 18, 1983; New York Times, April 20, 1980. 15New York Times, April 20, 1980.
16In the wake of the AWACS vote, the United States agreed to boost the level of aid to Israel by $300 million per year for a period of four years. 17 Washington Post, January 24, 1981. 18L. Dean Brown, interview, January, 1984. 19Harold Saunders, interview, May 19, 1983. 20Talcott Seelye, interview, May 14, 1983.
2lDefense Week, July 27, 1981; Focus, February 15, 1982; New Statesman, May 6, 1983.
^Washington Post, April 6, 1978.
^Jewish Week (Washington, D.C), July 17-23, 1983.
24Memorandum from John H. Davitt, Chief of Internal Security Section, Criminal Division, to Philip B. Heymann, Asian Attorney General, Criminal Division. 25"Stephen Bryen,"
26"In These Times," April 17-May 3, 1983; Atlantic Monthly, May 1982. 27Admiral Thomas Moorer, interview, August 24, 1982.
28DelandSun News (Deland, Florida), August 11, 1983; USA Today, August 12, 1983.
^Washington Post, August 10, 1983.
31Ella Bancroft, "Meet Anne at 'Pollard's Place' in Tel Aviv," Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, July/August, 1995.
32Shawn L. Twing, "American Engineer Who Admitted Giving Classified Information to Israel is Back at Work," Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, July/August, 1986.
33Richard Curtiss, "On the Pollard Affair," Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, July/August, 1986.
Chapter 7: The Assault on Assault
2James M. Ennes, Jr., Assault on the Liberty.
5New York Times, June 8, 1967.
4U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings, June 1978.
5Admiral Donald Engen, interview, August 29, 1983.
6Ennes, op. cit.
7New York Times, June 10, 1967. ^Washington Star, June 16, 1967.
9 U.S. News and World Report, June 26, 1967; Defense Electronics, October 1981.
"New York Times, June 18, 1967.
"Admiral Isaac Kidd, interview, October 7, 1963.
12Office of Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs), news release, June 28, 1967. 13Ennes.
l4New York Times, June 29, 1967; Washington Post, June 30, 1967.
l5New York Times, July 1, 1967.
^Washington Star, June 30, 1967.
17New York Times, July 7, 1967.
18Ennes, interview, April 30, 1983.
19Ennes, Assault on the Liberty.
21 National Review, September 5, 1967.
23Ennes, interview, April 30, 1983.
24Defense Electronics, October 1981.
25Commander Lloyd N. Bucher, interview, April 10, 1983.
28Ennes, Assault on the Liberty; Pacific Northwest, September 1982.
5 Notes
29Christian Science Monitor, June 22, 1982. 30l755 Liberty Newsletter, December 1982.
31 White House memorandum from James U. Cross to Harry McPherson, June 20, 1967. 32White House memorandum from Harry McPherson to James U. Cross. 33Engen, August 29, 1983. 34Yitzak Rabin, Rabin Memoirs. 35President Lyndon Johnson, Vantage Point.
36These understated numbers reflect estimates that appeared in some newspapers before the full casualty count was known; New York Times, June 9, 1967. 37Moshe Dayan, Story of My Life.
^Washington Post, July 18, 1982; Ennes, interview, August 10, 1982. 39Ennes, Assault on the Liberty.
40Letter from Seymour Hersh to Robert Loomis of Random House, 1979.
41Ennes, interview, April 30, 1983.
42'Middle East Perspective, June 1981.
^Jewish Veterans, April/May/June 1983. 48Moorer.
49Ennes, "The USS Liberty: Still Covered Up After 35 Years," Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, June/July 2002. 50Ibid.
51John E. Borne, "The USS Liberty: Dissenting History vs. Official History (Reconsideration Press, 1996).
52Neff, "Warriors for Jerusalem."
53James Bamford, Body of Secrets: Anatomy of the Ultra-Secret National Security Agency (New York: Doubleday Press, 2001).
54Suzy Hansen, "The Assault on the USS Liberty"
55Bryant Jordan, "Key Investigators Express Belief That Israel Deliberately Attacked U.S. Ship," Navy Times, June 26, 2002. 56E-mail from James Ennes, July 2, 2002.
Chapter 8: Subverting Academic Freedom
'Information on this and subsequent pages about AIPAC's Political Leadership Development Program is largely drawn from public remarks by Jonathon Kessler made at an AIPAC workshop in Washington, June 12, 1983, and literature distributed at the workshop.
2www. html.
3Edward Said, interview, July 20, 1983.
4George Bisharat, interview, June 21, 1983.
5Harvard Law Record, May 7, 1982.
'Harvard Law Record, April 30, 1982.
7Harvard Law Record, May 6, 1983.
8Noam Chomsky, letter to the author, July 10, 1983.
9James Scamus, interview, January 25, 1984.
10Daily Californian (University of California at Berkeley), April 15, 1982.
"Daily Californian, April 14, 1982.
12Daily Californian, April 15, 1982.
13Schamus, letter to the author, January 29, 1984.
14San Francisco Examiner, October 25, 1982.
15Daily Californian, October 20, 1982.
l6John D'Anna, interview, July 8, 1983.
17Arizona Daily Wildcat (University of Arizona, Tucson), March 2, 1983. nArizona Daily Star, March 4, 1983.
Notes 5
19Letter form Zionist Institutions to "Business Concerns Advertising in the Arizona Daily Wildcat and All Ad Agencies in Tucson," dated March 15, 1983. 20Willem A. Bijlfeld, letter to the author. 21Eqbal Ahmad, interview, September 24, 1983. 22S. C. Whittaker, interview, January 30, 1984. 23Bryn Mawr-Haverford College News, November 4, 1977. 24Kendall Landis, interview, June 17, 1983. 25Evening Bulletin (Philadelphia), November 5, 1977. 26Bryn Mawr-Haverford College News. 27Willis Armstrong, interview, June 22, 1983. 28Stephen Cary, interview, July 12, 1983. 29Phoenix (Swarthmore College), November 2, 1977. 30James Piatt, interview, July 27, 1983. 31 Jewish Exponent (Philadelphia), November 11, 1977.
32Copy of Ira Silverman's confidential AJC memorandum dated November 28, 1977. 33Harrison Wright, interview, July 25, 1983. 34Phoenix, February 8, 1978. 35Phoenix, November 9, 1977.
36Bryn Mawr-Haverford College News, November 11, 1977.
"Philadelphia Enquirer, November 9, 1977.
38Copy of letter from Armstrong to Friend dated April 11, 1979.
39Thomas D'Andrea, interview, July 29, 1983.
40Peter F. Krogh, interview, September 27, 1983.
41John Ruedy, interview June 21, 1983.
42 Georgetown Voice, November 1, 1977.
"Washington Star, May 4, 1977.
"Chronicle of Higher Education, September 25, 1978. 46Ibid.
47 Washington Star, July 27, 1978.
48 Chronicle of Higher Education. "Washington Post, September 9, 1980. 5Q Washington Post, February 24, 1981.
51 John Ruedy, interview, June 21, 1983. ^Washington Post, February 25, 1981. "Washington Post, February 14, 1981. 54Washingtonian, October, 1981. 55Peter F. Krogh, interview, September 27, 1983. 56Father Kail Ellis, interview, January 11, 1984.
57"CSIS in Brief," from inside cover of Center for Strategic and International Studies, Georgetown University, Publications, 1983. 58Ibid.
59Letter from Akins to Hameed, August 22, 1983. 60Copy of letter of appointment, November 11, 1980. 61Copy of CSIS memorandum, October 8, 1980. 62Copy of telax form Jordan to Pat Denny, August 30, 1981. 63Jean Newsom, interview, July 26, 1983. 64Trish Wilson, interview, August 2, 1983. 65Paul Sutphin, interview, August 1, 1983. 66George Smally, interview, June 26, 1984.
67This account, from Hameed, was confirmed in substance by Amos Jordan in an interview, April 5, 1984. Jordan specified that while Hameed's work was mentioned, it was "not central to the discussion" with Emerson.
68Hameed's account. Jordan says he was interviewed "once" by Emerson and makes no mention of a draft.
5 Notes
^New Republic, February 17, 1982.
7Q Piatt's Oilgram News, February 18, 1982.
71Onnik Maraschian, interview, August 11, 1983.
72Copy of CSIS memorandum "RE: Attached Piatt's Oilgram Article," February 22, 1982. 73Draft of a Proposed Report: U.S. Assistance to the State of Israel, prepared by the staff of the U.S. General Accounting Office (1983).
74Amos Jordan, letter to the author, April 12, 1984. In the letter, Jordan states that this incident occurred in October 1981, not February 1982.
75Jordan denies this, saying the new charge replaced the old. He also denies that the charge was made retroactive and says it was applied "to all project directors at the Center."
76Hameed acknowledged a temporary deficit of about $12, 000, which he had expected to cover through CSIS sales of his report.
77The date and other details of the burglary are confirmed in the report of the Metropolitan Police Department, Washington, D.C., complaint number 109-933. 78Hameed's account.
79Jerri Bird, "Blaming the Victim," Chronicle of Higher Education, February 8, 2002. 80Anthony Lewis, "It Can Happen Here," New York Times, December 1, 1981. 81John S. Sugg, "Muslim-American Activism," Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, January/February 2001.
82Francis A. Boyle, " Law and Disorder in the Middle East," Americans for Middle East Understanding, Vol. 35, Issue 1, January/March 2002.
Chapter 9: Paving the Way for the Messiah
'Lee Hamilton, interview, August 2, 1983.
2Thomas Wiley, American Christianity, the Jewish State and the Arab-Irsraeli Conflict (Occasional Papers Series, CCAS, Georgetown University, 1983). 3Speech reprinted in Near East Report, June 5, 1981. 4New York Times, October 28, 1981. 5Economist (London), 3-9 March, 1984.
6Letter to Mike Evans Ministries supporters, January 23, 1984. 7George Otis, letter to High Adventure Holyland Ministry supporters. World Lebanese Association,, July 21, 1999. 5Near East Report, November 20, 1981.
10Grace Halsell, Prophecy and Politics (Chicago: Lawrence Hill Books, 1986). 1'Wiley, op. cit.
12Dewey Beagle, interview, January 12, 1984. 13White House press release, October 18, 1983. 14Feuerlicht, "The Fate of the Jews." 15New York Times, January 15, 1984. uNear East Report, December 16, 1984. 17New York Times, January 15, 1984.
18The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry, Inc., centered in Collingwood, New Jersey, is one of a number of American evangelistic organizations that take Jewish conversion as a primary goal. Its 1983 Mission Update report referred to more than 2, 000 meetings on "Jewish evangelism, missions, prophecy, and deeper life" conducted during the year, in addition to the distribution of nearly one million copies of its various publications.
19New York Times, December 1, 1981.
20New York Jewish Weekly, October 19, 1980.
21 New York Times, December 1, 1981.
"Atlanta Constitution-Journal, February 20, 1981.
25New York Times, January 15, 1984.
24Ernest Volkmann, "A Legacy of Hate."
25The Middle East policy statements of eight of the leading U.S. Christian churches were collected in "Where We Stand," a pamphlet published in 1972 by the Middle East Peace Project. 26Wiley, op. cit.
Notes 5
27Volkmann, op. cit. 28Ibid.
29National Council of Churches of Christ Statement, April 2002. 30Peggy Briggs, interview, October 7, 1983. 31Feeley, interview, October 6, 1983. 32Greg Degiere, interview, January 16, 1984.
"Nuclear Times, February 1984, cited in Palestinian/Israel Bulletin, March 1984.
34Life, April 2, 1965.
35 Washington Post, June 17, 1977.
36The 1972 Palm Sunday sermon and a number of statements reacting to it were collected in "The Jerusalem Debate," a pamphlet published in 1972 by the Middle East Affairs Council (A.R. Taylor and J.P. Richardson, eds.).
39 Washington Post, April 4, 1972.
40Volkmann op. cit.
41 Washington Post, April 8, 1972.
42Dean Francis Sayre, interview, July 23, 1983; Washington Star, April 6, 1972. 43Taylor and Richardson, op. cit. 44 Washington Post, April 4, 1972. "Christianity Today, April 28, 1972.
46Reverend Joseph L. Ryan, press conference, April 6, 1972.
"Washington Evening Star and Daily News, September 11, 1972.
52Ayoub Talhami, interview, February 6, 1984.
53Sr. Miriam Ward, interview, February 6, 1984; Wagner, interview, February 3, 1984.
^Jewish Week-American Examiner, January 14, 1982.
5<'Jewish Week-American Examiner. 57Ward.
58Jeffrey G. MacDonald, "Christians Hit Theological Rift on Mideast Policy," Christian Science Monitor, May 14, 2002.
59Sharon Samber, "With Israel Isolated, Support Strong From Christian Right," Washington Jewish Week, May 30, 2002. 60Richard Penaskovic, "Islam and the Conflict in the Middle East," April 8, 2002. 61 The Tennessean, May 29, 2002. 6Samber.
Chapter 10: Not All Jews Toe the Line
'Vincent James Abramo, "Orthodox Judaism and the Oslo Peace Process," Thesis, August 2001.
2Liz Spikol, "I May Be Called a Traitor, but I Won't Be Silent Anymore," Arab News, April 14, 2002.
3Progressive, August 1979.
Trving Howe, New Perspectives: The Diaspora and Israel.
"Washington Post, June 4, 1983. HIbid.
12Progressive, August 1979. 13Ibid.
5 Notes
14Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, April2, 1984. 15Feurlicht, interview, October 19, 1983. 16Gail Pressberg, interview, November 4, 1983. ^Washington Post, December 14, 1982.
18Richard Cohen, "Who's Anti-Semitic?" Washington Post, April 30, 2002. 19John Wallach, interview, April 15, 1983. 2Q Washington Post, December 14, 1982. 21Wallach.
"Village Voice, June 29, 1982.
23Charles Fishbein, interview, October 11, 1983.
2A The Autobiography of Nahum Goldman, trans. By Helen Sebba.
25Nahum Goldman, "The Jewish Paradox."
^Jewish Week (Washington, D.C.), September 2-8, 1982.
"Chicago Tribune, December 3, 1981.
1%Chicago Sun-Times, December 8, 1981; Klutznick, interview, September 19, 1983. 29 Chicago Sun-Times, December 3, 1981. 30Near East Report, November 20, 1981. 31 Klutznick.
32Christian Science Monitor, July 14, 1982. 33Klutznick.
^Chicago Sun-Times, October 20, 1982.
"Jewish Post and Opinion (USA), February 23, 1983.
3T.F. Stone, interview, April 24, 1983. 38 The Progressive, August 1979. "New York Review of Books, March 1978. 40Ibid.
41 Lincoln Review, autumn 1979. 42Ralph Nader, "I.E Stone," 1989.
43Naseer Aruri, "A Tribute to Rabbi Elmer Berger," Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, January/February 1997. "Ibid.
45Sheldon L. Richman, " AIPAC President Resigns," Washington Report on Middle Eastern Affairs, January/February 1997. 46Spikol.
47Nizar Wattad, interview with Liz Spikol, June 14, 2002.
48Nacha Cattan, "Jewish Reporter Says Marriage to Arab Cost Her Job," Forward, April 19, 2002. A9Foreword, letters page, April 26, 2002.
Chapter 11: Scattering the Seeds of Catastrophe
1Wall Street Journal, August 3, 1983; Mideast Observer, November 1, 1983.
Philadelphia Enquirer, October 16, 1983.
Philadelphia Enquirer, October 19, 1983.
4Jewish Exponent (Philadelphia), November 11, 1983.
5Anisa Mehdi, interview, September 4, 1983.
6Elaine Hagopian, interview, April 16, 1984; Chicago Tribune, July 13, 1975. 1 ADC Bi-Weekly Reports, April 1-15, 1984. * Monthly Detroit, February 1984.
9Abdel Hamid El-Barbarawi, interview, September 7, 1983.
l0Bilalian News, October 7, 1977.
"Chicago Jewish Post and Opinion, July 2, 1976.
12 Chicago Sun-Times, November 11, 1977.
13Dick Kay, interview, September 15, 1983.
14Stephen Green, interview, March 5, 1983.
,5Vanessa Redgrave, interview, September 4, 1983.
16Los Angeles Times, April 5, 1978.
Notes 5
17Midstream, January 1980.
™New York Times, September 25, 1980.
2QLos Angeles Times, September 28, 1980.
23 Village Voice, June 8, 1982.
24Split Vision.
26 Twin Cities Reader, July 1, 1982.
27Harold R. Piety, Split Vision.
28National Journal, January 8, 1972.
29Armed Forces Journal International, October 1977.
3« Washington Post, October 27, 1977.
31Journal Herald (Dayton, Ohio), November 13, 1975.
32Middle East International, December 1978.
"Journal Herald.
34Harold R. Piety, letter to the author, July 27, 1983.
"Twin Cities Reader, June 17, 1982.
36 Twin Cities Reader, August 19, 1982.
37Georgia Ann Geyer, interview, May 16, 1983.
38Georgia Ann Geyer, "Buying the Night Flight."
39Geyer, interview.
"Miami News, April 4, 1983.
41"Israel Will Keep CNN on Air," USA Today, June 24, 2002.
42New York Times, December 22, 1983, January 16, 1984; Foreign Affairs, July 1978.
"Boston Globe Magazine, April 29, 1984.
44Jack Sunderland, interview, June 3, 1983.
"Twin Cities Reader, July 1, 1982.
46Wafiya El-Hossaini, interview, April 17, 1983.
"Middle East International, January 27, 1984.
"Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, May 17, 1982.
49Wattad interview with Andrew L. Killgore, June 6, 2002.
50 Village Voice, February 7, 1984.
51 Village Voice, January 24, 1984. 52Ibid.
"Split Vision.
54Lawrence Mosher, interview, November 16, 1983. 55Gilbert M. Grosvenor, interview, March 31, 1983. 56New York Times, June 21, 1974. 57Grosvenor.
58National Geographic, November 1974.
59Russell W. Howe and Sarah H. Trott, The Power Peddlars: How Lobbyists Mold Americas Foreign Policy.
60"First Line Report," March 7, 1973. 61Robert Pierpoint, interview, March 8, 1983. 62Pierpoint, unpublished manuscript. 63Pierpoint, interview. 64Ibid.
65Patsy Collins, interview, April 30, 1983. "Village Voice, October 7, 1982.
67 Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, May 28, 1974.
68Goldman was featured as a panelist at the first national CAMERA Conference, held November 20,
1983 in Washington, D.C. 69NBC News press release, May 3, 1984; Columbia Journalism Review, November/December 1982. ^Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, May 28, 1984.
5 Notes
71Minneapolis Star and Tribune, April 3, 1983. 72Washington Journalism Review, March 1983. 73Nick Themmesch, interview, April 11, 1983.
74 Washington Post, November 10, 1982.
75 Washington Journalism Review. ^Washington Post, November 10, 1982. "Washington Post, November 12, 1982. n Washington Post, November 10, 1982.
"Jewish Week (Washington, D.C.), November 4-10, 1982. "Washington Post, November 10, 1982. "Boston Globe Magazine, April 29, 1984.
82Sunday Call-Chronicle (Allentown, Pennsylvania), January 16, 1983.
%iEvening Sun (Baltimore, Maryland), November 4, 1983; Washington Post, November 7, 1982. 84Times (San Mateo, California), November 1 and 9, 1982. 85Sunday Call-Chronicle.
86Robert Fisk, "The Solution to This Filthy War," The Independent, May 8, 2002.
87Kathleen Christison, "Israel, a Light Unto Nations?", May 11, 2002.
Chapter 12: What Price Israel?
*A notable exception was Moshe Caret's brief term as prime minister.
2Interview, June 1, 2002.
3Poll from Mirror International, May 8, 2002.
4Dafna Linzer, Associated Press, June 3, 2002.
5Jimmy Carter, New York Times op-ed, April 21, 2002.
'AlAhram Weekly, April 22, 2002.
7Uri Averny, Mirror International, April 8, 2002.
8Noam Chomsky, The Guardian, May 11, 2002.
9Paul Findley, Silent No More: Confronting Americas False Images of Islam, (Amana Publications, 2002).
10E-mail from James J. David, June 2, 2002. 11 Findley.
l2AMEU Public Affairs Series, #33, March 2002.
13James J. David, "The Source of Terrorism," Media Monitors Network, October 1, 2001. 14David, letter to Colin Powell, January 12, 2002. 15Charley Reese, King Features Syndicate, May 2, 2002. ''Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, April 3, 2002.
17"Report on Haaretz, Jerusalem," USA Today, January 30, 1995. ^Foreign Service Journal, June 2002. 19Mirror International, May 15, 2002.
20Ted Anthony, "Report on Jerusalem," Associated Press, June 13, 2002. 21Hubert Vedrine, Washington Post, May 17, 2002.
Abdelkarim, Riad, x, 363-64
Abdullah, Crown Prince, 371
Abdul-Rahman, Hassan, 213
Abourzek, James, 33, 38, 96-99, 346
and AIPAC, 97; and American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, 99; and Israel-Arab negotiations; Jefferson-Jackson Day speech, 98-99; meeting with al-Hout, 98; National Press Club speech, 97; Rochester University speech; and Senate Judiciary Committee, 97-98; and U.S. aid to Jordan, 164
Abram, Morris, 130
Abramo, Vincent James, 281, 282-83
Abshire, David, 236, 238, 242
Abu-Lugod, Deena, 212-13
Adelman, Lynn, 46
Adenauer, Konrad, 291-92
Agnew, Spiro, 42-43
Ahmad, Eqbal, 218-20
American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), 27-50
"Action Alert," 38; and Agnew campaign, 42-43; and anti-Semitism on college campuses, 212; and AWACS sale, 47, 48, 49, 50, 99, 103-4; Campaign to Discredit Israel, 37, 263, 326-27, 328; and Christians, 36; college campus programs, 60, 209-15; and F-15 sale, 101-3, 107; influence on Congress, 31-32, 37, 38-42, 47-50, 53, 73-75, 76, 100-101, 107-8, 309, 351-52; influence on U.S. policy, 27-28; and lobbying, 55, 350; and lobbying
for Zaire, 43; and McCloskey, 28, 55, 107-8; and PACs, 44-47; and Percy campaign, 112; and political endorsement, 44; publications, 37; and "Spirit of 76" letter, 100-1, 107; staff development, 39; support of Reagan, 138; and tours of Israel, 37; and USS Liberty, 188
Akins, James, 38, 235
Al-Arian, Sami, 244-46
Ali, Salim Rubyai, 3, 8-10, 11-12
Allen, James, 98
Allen, Richard, 170
Al-Mazrui, Ghanim, 66
Al-Najjar, Mazen, 246
Altman, Richard, 45
American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, 99, 346-47
American Indian Law Students Association, 212
American Muslim Alliance, 346
Americans in Israel PAC, 45
American Zionist Council, 93
Amitay, Morris, 44, 45, 65, 78, 100, 102, 112
Ammerman, Harvey, 268
Anderson, Jack, 161, 164
Anderson, John, 131-32
Anderson, Wendell, 102
Angell, Charles, 261
Angus, Jacob, 109
Anti-Americanism, 360-62
Anti-Semitism, accusations of 132, 133, 261, 271, 274, 288, 345, 357-58, 369 against American Friends Service Committee, 286; against Bush, George H.
5 Index
W, 145; on college campuses, 212; against Ennes, 202; against Fulbright, 92; against Geyer, 325; against Jackson, J., 143-44; against journalists, 305, 322, 345-46; against LaGrange conferences, 276; against McCloskey, 56-57, 58; against National Council of Churches, 263; against Sayre, 269
Anthony, John Duke, 329-30
Arab American Institute, 347
Arab Americans
in Detroit, Michigan, 316; discrimination against, 313—16; stereotypes of, 321-22
Arafat, Yasser
and attacks on Israel, 360; and Barak proposal, 308; and Bush, 367; and Carter, 16-17; meeting with Dymally, 71-72; meeting with Fauntroy, 63; meeting with Findley, 13-16; and House resolution condemning Palestine, 78; meeting with Jackson, J., 142-43; meeting with Lowery, 63; and Paris Declaration, 31; and Percy, 110; and Redgrave, 319
Arens, Moshe, 168, 202, 289, 342-43
Armey, Richard, 79
Armitage, Richard, 171
Arms Export Control Act, 354-55
Armstrong, James, 260
Armstrong, Willis, 220, 221, 225
Artzieli, Mordecai, 339
Asali, Naila, 346
Asali, Ziad, 346
Ashtal, Abdallah, 3, 12, 13
Ashrawi, Hanan, 365
Askew, Reuben, 141
Aspin, Les, 206
Assad, Hafez, 4-5
Atherton, Alfred Jr., 3
Au, Jeffrey, 60
Avnery, Uri, 357
AWACS sale to Saudi Arabia, 47-48, 49, 50, 66-67, 72, 73, 99, 103-4, 106, 111, 165-67, 235, 236, 237, 238, 241
Awad, Nihad, xii
Ayoub, Nairn, 314
Azzi, Robert, 333, 334
Babcock, Charles, 185
Backus, Paul, 201
Baker, Howard, 104, 106
Baker, James, 145
Bakker, Jim, 253
Ball, George, 38
and AIPAC, 38; and Anderson campaign, 131-32; and Camp David Accords, 130; charges of anti-Semitism against, 132; and
criticism of Israeli national policy, 128-29;
and criticism of Reagan administration,
131; and Foreign Affairs articles, 129, 130;
Secretary of State nomination, 127-30; and
Stevenson campaign, 131, 132 Banford, James
Body of Secrets, 205 Barak, Ehud, 36, 308 Bartlett, Charles, 117-18 Batal, James, 329 Battle, Lucius, 142 Baum, Phil, 334 Beegle, Dewey, 257-58 Begin, Menachem
and AWACS sale, 104; and Berkeley
Graduate, 214; criticized by Goldmann;
and Deir Yassin massacre, 323; and
Falwell, 251, 253, 255; and invasion of
Palestinian territories, x; and Klutznick,
297-98, 299, 303; and Sabra and Shatila
refugee camps, x Ben-Gurion, David, 110, 292, 296, 297 Bennett, Charles, 205-6 Berenbaum, Michael, 341 Bereuter, Douglas, 39 Berger, Elmer, 306-7 Bergus, Don, 29, 158, 161 Berkeley Graduate, 214-15 Berliner, Moshe, 259 Berman, Wayne, 236 Beyt Tikkun, 307-8 Bijlefeld, Willem, 217-18 Bingaman, Jeffrey, 48 bin Laden, Osama, 361—62, 367-68 Bird, Gene, 364 Bird, Jerri, 364-66 Black Americans in Support of Israel
Committee, 71 Blitzer, Wolf, 31,49, 97, 184 Bloomfield, Douglas, 24, 56 Blount, Winton, 137 Blum, Yehuda, 62 Blumberg, Arnold, 108 Bonior, David, 66, 72, 77-78, 79, 246 Bookbinder, Hyman, 341 Borne, John
The USS Liberty: Dissenting History vs.
Official History, 204 Boschwitz, Rudy, 49, 88, 113, 325 Boston, Ward, 207 Boston Symphony Orchestra
and Vanessa Redgrave, 320-21 Boyle, Francis, 246-47 Bradlee, Benjamin Jr., 341 Branigan, William, 341
Index 5
Breira, 284-85 Brickner, Balfour, 283-84 Briggs, Peggy, 264-65 Britt, C. Robin, 75
Broderick, Richard, 321-22, 324-25, 340
Brody, David, 98
Bronfman, Edgar, 318-19
Broomfield, William, 27
Brown, Dean, 168
Brown, Harold, 151, 154, 169
Bryen, Shoshona, 172
Bryen, Stephen, 171-73
Bruzonsky, Mark, 286, 288, 300
Brzezinski, Zbigniew
and Ball, 129; and CIA aid to Jordan, 164; and military sales to Israel, 151-52
B'Tselem, 366-67
Bucher, Lloyd, 196, 202
Buchwald, Art, 227
Bullock, Ray, 61
Bumpers, Dale, 94-95
Burns, Arthur, 17
Bush, George H. W
accusations of anti-Semitism against, 145; and anti-Semitism, 36; and economic sanctions against Israel, 354; and Findley campaign, 23; and Israeli settlements, 144-45; presidential campaign, 144, 145
Bush, George W, 36, 258, 351
and Abdullah peace plan, 371; and aid to Israel, 146; and anti-Semitism, 36; and Arms Export Control Act, 355; and Carter, 354; and Israeli invasion of Palestinian territories, x, 372-73; and Middle East policy, 351-52, 353-54, 366-67, 372-74; and Palestinian statehood, 366; presidential campaign, 146, 358-59; and September 11, 361; and Sharon, xii; and war on terrorism, viii-ix, 352-53
Bush, Jeb, 245
Byrd, Robert, xii, 115, 351
Campbell, Dwight, 249-50
Campbell, Tom, 115
Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting (CAMERA), 204-5, 340
Campbell, Thomas, 78
Camp David Accords, 130, 133, 134, 297-98, 299
Capps, Lois, 79
Carpenter, Jeffery, 199
Carter, Jimmy, 10, 372
and AIM 9-L sale, 154; and Arafat, 16-17; and AWACS sale, 167; and Camp David Accords, 130, 133, 134, 297-98; and economic sanctions against Israel, 354; and
F-15 sale, 101; and Israeli lobby, 293; meeting with Findley, 12; and McHenry vote, 139-40; and Middle East policy, 132-33; and presidential election, 139-40; and Secretary of State nomination, 127-30
Cary, Stephen, 221, 222, 225
Cathell, Ron, 344
Celler, Emanuel, 122
censorship, 362-63, 367-69
Center for Contemporary Arab Studies, 226,
229, 230, 232
Center for Strategic and International Studies,
230, 234-35 Chapell, Bill Jr., 176 Cheney, Richard, 126 Chomsky, Noam, 214, 287, 358 Church, Frank, 48, 69, 91, 238 Christison, Kathleen, 345 Clark, William, 32, 236, 238 Clarke, David, 269
Clifford, Clark, 121 Clinton, Bill, 71
and AIPAC, 71; and Palestinian statehood,
366; and Pollard clemency, 184 Coalition for the Re-election of Jim Thompson,
88, 89
Cockburn, Alexander, 331, 340
Cohan, Peter, 224
Cohen, George, 234
Cohen, Richard, 287-88
Cohen, Sam, 290
Cohen, Ted, 317
Cohen, William, 31, 100, 103-5
Collins, Patsy, 339-40
Committee on Christian-Jewish Relations, 262
Connally, John, 134-37
Conte, Silvio, 74, 75
Continuing Resolution of 1983, 73-74
Cooper, Jim, 75
Copeland, Kenneth, 253
Corcoran, Tom, 112
Cordesman, Anthony, 236, 322
Council for National Interest, 364
Cranston, Alan, 141
Crist, Betty, 98
Cristol, A. Jay, 207
Cross, James, 198
Crossley, George, 176
Culver, John, 101
Currieo, James, 202-3
Curtiss, Richard, 330
D'Andrea, Tom, 225-26
Danforth, John, 47
D'Anna, John, 215-17
Danzansky, Joseph, 62
5 Index
Dashle, Tom, 36
David, James, 362-63
Davis, Artur, 79
Davitt, John, 178
Day, Tony, 56
Dayan, Moshe, 200
Dead in the Water, 204
DeFazio, Peter, xi, 79
de Gaulle, Charles, 371
Degiere, Greg, 265
Deir Yassin massacre, 315, 323
DeLay, Tom, 36, 78-79, 115, 280
Dershowitz, Alan, 182, 321
DeYoung, Karen, 341
DiGeneva, Joseph, 180
Dine, Thomas
and AIPAC influence, 48, 49-50; and AWACS sale, 103-4; and Findley campaign, 23; and Percy campaign, 112, 114; and Reagan, 29, 30-31, 258; and Stevenson campaign, 48, 90; and U.S. foreign policy, 33-34, 34-35
Dingell, John, 78
Dinitz, Simcha, 288
Dole, Robert, 23, 334
Dornan, Robert, 58
Douglas, Paul, 110
Ducrocq, Deborah, 311
Dulles, John Foster, 123
Durbin, Richard, 22, 73, 75
Durenberger, David, 48
Dutton, Frederick, 101, 104
Dymally, Mervyn, 71-73
Eagleburger, Lawrence, 34
Eban, Abba, 342
Eckstein, Yechiel, 276
Edelsberg, Herman, 55
Edgar, Robert, 264
Eichen, Gary, 328
Eisenhower, Dwight, 55, 96
and cancellation of Israeli aid, 121-22; and Israeli invasion of Gaza Strip, 122-23; and Israeli statehood, 121-23; and military sales to Israel, 158; and Sinai War, 95-96, 107, 123
Eisenhower Doctrine, 296
Eitan, Rafael, 179, 181
El-Barbarawi, Abdel-Hamid, 316-18
Ellis, Kail, 232-34
Elson, Edward, 268
Emerson, Steven, 238-39, 240, 245
Emery, David, 47
Engen, Donald, 190, 199
Englehard, Robert, 322
Ennes, James Jr.
accusations of Anti-Semitism against, 202; and AIPAC, 200-1; Assault on the Liberty, 188, 193-94, 202, 203; and attack on USS Liberty, 187, 188, 192, 200, 201, 202; and interview with Taliaferro, 201; and Journal of Electronic Defense, 201; and Kennedy, E., 198
Ehrlich, Simcha, 294
Epstein, Stella, 72
Erb, Irit, 179
Eshkol, Levi, 190
Evans, Mike, 65, 252-53
Evans, Rowland, 43, 322
Evron, Ephraim, 65, 119
Ezzard, Martha, xi
Faddoul, George, 315-16
Fahd, Crown Prince, 10-11
Falwell, Jerry, 251-52, 253, 255, 259-60
Farrakhan, Louis, 144
Fascell, Dante, 47
Fauntroy, Walter, 61, 62-64
Feeley, Helen, 265
Feighan, Edward, 75
Feinberg, Abraham, 118, 119, 124
Feinstein, Dianne, 78, 115
Feldman, Myer, 118, 119-20
Fenelon, Fania, 320
Feuerlicht, Roberta Strauss, 258, 286
Findley, Paul, 70
criticism of Israel, 70; meeting with Ali, 8-10; meeting with Arafat, 13-15; meeting with Assad, 4-5; meeting with Carter, 12; senatorial campaign, 17-20, 22-23
Fishbein, Charles, 290, 303
Fisher, Milton, 84, 89
Fisk, Robert, 344-46, 347
Fleischer, Ari, 366
Fogel, Benjamin, 311
Ford, Gerald, 10, 22, 100-1
Ford, Jerry, 95-96
Ford Administration and Israeli aid, 126
Ford Foundation, 65
Forrest, A. C, 270
Foxman, Abraham, 279
Frank, Isaac, 268
Franklin, Ed, 2, 6-7, 8, 9-10
Frazen, Lester, 265
Friedman, Shirley, 87
Friedman, Thomas, 340
Friend, Theodore, 22, 223, 224
Friendly, Alfred, 342
Frolich, Newton, 45
Index 5
Fulbright, J. William, 91-96
accusations of Anti-Semitism against, 92; criticism of Israel, 135; and Johnson, L. B., 92; and investigations of contributions to Israel, 92-93; meeting with Ford, G., 95-96; scholarships, 92; Senatorial campaign, 94-95; and USS Liberty, 192
Gage, Debbie, 328
Gal, Yossi, 185
Gale, Michael, 31
Genshaft, Judy, 244, 245
George, Mike, 344
Gerson, Joseph, 265-66
Gersten, Chris, 36
Geyer, Georgie Anne, 325-26
Ghareeb, Edmund, 321
Ghorbal, Ashraf, 294
Gibson, Robert, 342
Gilbert, John, 221
Gilman, Ben, 24
Glenn, John, 104, 132, 141
Goland, Michael, 113, 114
Goldberg, Arthur, 124, 212
Goldberg, Howard, 59
Golden, George, 193
Goldenberg, Suzanne, 346
Goldman, Peter, 340
Goldmann, Nahum, 291-94, 295, 296, 300-2
Goldstein, Israel, 121
Goldwater, Barry Jr., 58
Gomez, Joseph, 140-41
Goode, W.Wilson, 314
Gore, Al, 146
Grant, Ward, 20
Green, Mark, 79
Green, Stephen, 318-19
Greenberg, Paul, 56
Greene, Joseph Jr., 299
Greenfield, Meg, 143, 342
Grossman, Lawrence, 340-41
Grossman, Marc, 366
Grossman, Steve, 44
Grosvenor, Gilbert, 334-35
Gur, Mordecai, 173
Gurion, David Ben, 110
Haas, Amira, 345
Habash, George, 110
Haberman, Joshua, 268
Habib, Philip, 289
Haddad, Saad, 253, 254
Hall, John, 41
Hal Rosenthal Program, 37
Halsell, Grace, 329
Hamas, 364, 371
Hameed, Mazher, 235-44
Hamilton, Dwight, 250
Hamilton, Lee, 42, 69, 70, 77
Hanania, Ray, 347
Harsch, Joseph, 135-36
Hart, Gary, 36, 119, 139, 141, 315
Harvard Jewish Law Students Association,
212-13 Hassan, Abu, 14 Hassan, Crown Prince, 81-82 Hastorf, Albert, 60 Hatfield, Mark, 32, 86 Hathaway, William, 99-100, 102
and AIPAC, 102-3; and F-15 sale, 102 Hauser, Rita, 136 Hayakawa, S. I., 57
Healy, Timothy, 228, 229, 230, 231-32
Hecht, Chic, 48
Hellman, Judy, 279
Hellman, Yehuda, 65
Helms, Richard, 150, 207
Hempstone, Smith, 191
Hentoff, Nat, 49, 289-90, 321
Hersh, Seymour, 200
Hickenlooper, Bourke, 93
Hilliard, Earl, 79
Hoffman, Jacob, 156
Hollings, Ernest, xiv, 141, 351
Hope, Bob, 20-21
Hopp, Deb, 324
Houghton, Amory, 79
Howard, William, 261
Howe, Irving, 285
Huddleston, Walter, 50
Hudson, Michael, 227, 229-30
Humphrey, Hubert, 92
Hurford, Lee, 127
Hussein, King
and CIA financial aid, 163-64; criticism of AIPAC, 34, 50; and military aid to Jordan, 169; and Reagan Administration, 138-39; criticism of U.S., 34, 50
Ikle, Fred, 171
Inslee, Jay, 79
Institute for Contemporary Arab and Islamic
Studies, 232-34 International Christian Embassy, 259 Israel
air strike on PLO headquarters in Tunis, 182; attack on USS Liberty, 125, 187-94; invasion of Gaza (Egypt), 122-23, 125, 296-97, 357, 369, 372; invasion of Jenin, xi, xii; invasion of Lebanon, 176, 202, 260, 300-1, 339-40, 354; invasion of Palestinian
5 Index
territories, xi, xii, xiii, 353-54; invasion of Syria, ix, 4, 193, 272, 371, 372; prisons in, 365-66; and Sinai War, 95-96, 107, 123, 188; U.S. military sales to, 149-55, 173-74; Yom Kippur War, 149
"Israeli Preliminary Inquiry 1/67," 194
Jacobson, Ed, 119
Jackson, Jesse
accusations of anti-Semitism against, and anti-Semitism, 36; 143-44; and House resolution condemning Palestine, 79; meeting with Arafat, 142-43; and Middle East policy, 141; and presidential campaign, 142-44; and Young resignation, 62
Jagt, Guy Vander, 22
Jahshan, Khalil, 347
Jakab, Elisabeth, 338
Janka, Les, 150-51, 163, 177, 244
Jasculca, Rick, 84, 89, 90
Javits, Jacob, 69, 113
Jenin massacre, ix-xi, 354
Jepson, Roger, 50, 251
Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs, 172
Jewish Telegraph Agency, 92 Joftes, Saul, 332-33 Johnson, James, 52 Johnson, Lyndon Baines, 92, 358
and Krim, 119; and sanctions on Israel,
122; and support of Israel, 124-25, 358;
and USS Liberty, 188, 190, 199-200, 203,
204; and Vietnam War, 92 Jordan, Amos, 235, 236, 238-39, 240-43 Joseph, Albert, 140-41 Kahane, Meir, 216 Kaiman, Arnold, 276-77 Kampelman, Max, 231 Kaptur, Marcy, xii, 79 Karnow, Stanley, 292 Katz, Haim, 309 Katz, Howard, 183 Kay, Disk, 318 Kelley, Aloysius, 227, 229 Kemp, Jack, 75 Kenen, I. L., 27, 97 Kennedy, Edward, 84
and Hathaway, 99-100; and McHenry vote,
140; and USS Liberty, 198 Kennedy, John E, 120
and Bartlett, 117-18; and Feldman,
119-20; and sale of weapons to Israel, 124 Kessler, Jonathan, 210-11 Khalidi, Walid, 327
Khashoggi, Adnan, 220, 222, 223, 224, 226 Khomeini, (Ayatollah), 16
Kidd, Isaac, 191, 207
Killgore, Andrew, 38, 330-31
King, Martin Luther Jr., 62
Kirtner, Mike, 343
Krim, Arthur, 119, 124, 125
Kissinger, Henry
and Findley, 4; and Fulbright, 94; and military sales to Israel, 149; and PLO, 13; and Mathias, 106; and suspension of aid to Israel, 126
Kleinberg, Howard, 325-26
Klutznick, Philip, 294-303
and Ben Gurion, 297; and Camp David Accords, 299-300; and Germany's restitution to Israel, 292; and Goldman, 292, 293, 295-96; and meeting with Begin, 297-98, 299; and Paris Declaration, 300-2; and Percy campaign, 111; and presidential administrations, 119, 124; and Sabra and Shatila refugee camps, 302; and Stevenson campaign, 84, 88, 89; and support of Israel, 342
Knowland, William, 122-23
Koch, Noel, 171
Kohr, Howard, 35, 39, 115
Koppel, Ted, 337-38
Kraftowitz, Larry, 37
Krogh, Peter, 226-27, 228, 229-30, 231
Kurth, James, 221, 222, 223
Labadi, Mahmoud, 14, 16, 17
LaGrange Conference I and II, 275-78
Landis, Kendall, 221, 224
Lantos, Tom, 360
Law, John, 329-30
Lawson, Ed, 161
Lautenberg, Frank, 48
Lemann, Nicholas, 229
Lent, Norman, 103
Lerner, Michael, 307-8
Levi, Edward, 113
Levin, Sander, 75
Levy, Gustave, 333
Lewin, Nathan, 341
Lewis, Anthony, 246, 327
Lilienthal, Alfred Jr., 306-7
Limor, Micha, 192
Linfield, Seth, 59
Lippman, Walter, 128
Littell, Franklin, 255
Long, Clarence, 41-42, 75, 104, 344
Lowenstein, Allard, 24
Lowenstein, Jennifer, 310
Lowery, Joseph, 62, 63-64
Luce, Henry, 123
Macintosh, Craig, 322
Index 5
Mack, Connie, 245
Madigan, Ed, 19
Manatt, Charles, 48
Mankiewicz, Frank, 109
Mann, Theodore, 87
Manning, Gordon, 337
Mansfield, Mike, 106
Maraschian, Onnik, 240-41
Marshall, George, 121
Marshall, Hubert, 60
Marshall, Randall, 246
Martin, William, 204
Mason, Arthur, 136
Mathias, Charles, 105-10
and Agnew campaign, 43; and AWACS sale, 106; and criticism of Nixon Administration, 105; and F-15 sale, 108; and Foreign Affairs article, 105-10; and Foreign Relations Committee, 106; and Israeli lobby, 107-10; and "Spirit of 76" letter, 107
Matthews, Chris, 79
McAteer, Edward, 256
McCain, John, 36, 207
McCloskey, Pete, 28
and academic career, 59-60; accusations of anti-Semitism against, 56-57, 58; and aid to Israel, 51-52, 53-58; and AIPAC, 28, 55; criticism of Israel, 70; and law practice, 58-59; meeting with Arafat, 72; presidential campaign, 54; senatorial campaign, 55-58; suit against ADL, 59, 60-61; and Vietnam War, 53-55
McCloskey, Robert, 75, 342
McClure, James, 31
McConnell, Mitch, 115
McCormick, Peg, 73
McDonald (Admiral), 191
McFarlane, Robert, 33, 34
McGiffert, David, 162
McGonagle, William, 188, 189, 196-97, 204
McGovern, George, 142
McHenry, Donald, 139
Mclntire, Carl, 269-70
McKinney, Cynthia, 79, 206-7
McNamara, Robert, 190, 197
McPherson, Harry, 198-99
Meese III, Edwin, 255
Mehdi, Anisa, 315
Meir, Golda, 97, 356
Mendes-France, Pierre, 300-2
Michel, Bob, 74, 75
Miller, Israel, 97
Minow, Newton, 302
Mitchell, Clarence, 105
Mitchell, George, 47-48
Mitfah, 366-67
Mohamed, Anwar, 365
Mondale, Walter
and AIPAC, 35, 36; and Feinberg, A., 119; and Israeli policy, 139; and PLO, 17; and presidential campaign, 139-41, 315
Monsky, Henry, 295
Mont, Max, 72
Moorer, Thomas, 173-74, 188, 197, 203
Moran, Jim, 78
Morris, Merwyn, 57
Morrison, Bruce, 75
Mosher, Lawrence, 321, 332-33
Mossad, 157, 159-62, 183, 185
Motie, M. J., 7-8, 10
Mrozek, John, 98
Mubarak, Hosni, 294
Murphy, Richard, 35
Muskie, Edmund, 47
Nader, Ralph, 305
Nasser, 93, 124-25
National Arab-American Journalism
Association, 347 National Association of Arab Americans, 37,
42, 343-44, 346-47 National Council of Churches, 262 National Disclosure Policy Commission,
171-72 National Geographic, 333-35 Near East Report, 28 Neiditch, Michael, 64-65 Neff, Donald
Warriors for Jerusalem, 204 Neumann, Donald, viii Neumann, Thomas
Body of Secrets, 205 Newell, Greg, 19 New Jewish Agenda, 284, 285 Newson, Jean, 236 Nixon, Richard
and Arms Export Control Act, 354; and
suspension of aid to Israel, 126; and support
of Israel, 125-26; and Mathias, 105; and
Watergate, 105, 149, 174 Nolan, Richard, 65-66 Norton, Don, 19, 20 Novak, Joseph, 65, 90 Novak, Robert, 43 Nuessen, David, 17 Oakar, Mary Rose, 72 Obey, David, 41,42 O'Connor, Philip, 89 Olin, James, 75
Olympic Games in Munich, 272, 336-37 O'Neill, Tip, 30, 42,51
5 Index
Operation Cyanide, 204
Oshman, Ken, 59
Oslo Accords, 282
Ostrovsky, Victor, 156-57
Otis, George, 253-54
Packwood, Bob, 49, 104
Palestine, and statehood, 368, 371, 373
Palestinian Human Rights Campaign, 274
Palestinians, discrimination against, 356-58
Palmby, Clarence, 23
Papken, Bishop, 268
Partners for Peace, 364
Patriot Act, viii
Pearson, Yvonne, 329
Peled, Mattityahu, 285
Peled-Eichanan, Nurit, 364
Pell, Claiborne, 81-82
Penaskovic, Richard, 280
Penny, Timothy, 75
People United to Save Humanity, 143
Percy, Charles, 289
and AIPAC, 49, 112; and AWACS sale, 104, 111-12, and Begin message, 289; 113; and F-15 sale, and Findley, 20; and Foreign Relations Committee, 106; 111; and PLO, 110; and senatorial campaign, 112-14; and "Spirit of 76" letter, 111
Peres, Shimon
and Goldmann, 293; and Israeli invasion of Palestine, 342; and Palestinian statehood, 366
Perle, Richard, 171, 172, 173
Pfaff, William, 363
Phillips, Warren, 333
Pianka, Thomas, 150
Pierpont, Robert, 336-38
Piety, Harold, 322-23
Pincus, Walter, 92-93, 94
Pinkas, Alon, 280
Piatt, James, 222
Polakowski, John, 276, 277
Pollard, Anne, 181, 184
Pollard, Jonathan Jay Jr., 178-84
Political Leadership Development Program, 210
Powell, Colin
and Bush Administration, 353, 354; and Palestinian statehood, 366; and September 11, 362, 363; and U.S. aid to Israel, 354
Pressberg, Gail, 286-87
Pressler, Larry, 198
Price, David, 79
Pro-Arab Propaganda in America: Vehicles and
Voices, 38, 327 Quandt, William, 77, 163, 236, 244 Quayle, Dan, 31
Raab, Earl, 55
Rabin, Yitzhak
and Goldmann, 293; and aid to Israel, 126; and Nixon campaign, 125; and Sinai War, 188; and USS Liberty, 199
Rabinowitz, Stanley, 62
Rahall, Nick, xi, 72, 75-76, 78-79
Ratner, Gary, 111
Reagan, Ronald
and AIPAC, 29-31; and AWACS sale, 103, 106; commendation of Bryan, 172; criticized by Ball, 131; and Dine, 258; and Hussein, 138-39; and Israeli espionage, 171-73; and Israeli statehood, 258; and Israeli wars, xii; meeting with Shamir, 138; and Middle East peace agreement, 293-94; presidential campaign, 18-20, 137-39, 144
Redgrave, Vanessa, 319-21; and Secret Evidence Repeal Act, 77-78
Reed, Ralph, 279
Reese, Charley, 363
Reeves, Phil, 346
Regenbaum, Livi, 311
Reid, Harry, 75
Religious Roundtable, 256
Ribicoff, Abraham, 98, 102
Rice, Condoleeza, 366
Rich, Spencer, 98
Richardson, Bill, 75
Roberts, Oral, 253
Robertson, Pat, 251, 254
Robinson, Aubrey, 181
Robinson, David, 17, 18
Rockefeller, Ben, 224
Rodenstein, Moe, 285
Roed-Larsen, Terje, x
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 122
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 120
Rosen, Abbot, 299, 318
Rosenbaum, Aaron, 102
Rosenberg, Thomas, 140
Rosenfeld, Stephen, 58
Rosenne, Meir, 168, 255
Rosenfeld, Stephen, 29, 67-68
Rosenthal, Benjamin, 64-65, 108-9
Rossing, Dan, 258-59
Rostenkowski, Daniel, 66—67
Rostow, Eugene, 124, 194, 195
Rostow, Walt, 124, 125
Rothenberg, Alan, 48
Rouleau, Eric, 300
Rowan, Carl, 67, 104
Rowley, Charles, 189
Royko, Mike, 83
Index 5
Rubin, Hyman, 167
Ruedy, John, 227, 228, 230-31, 232, 233-34
Rumsfeld, Donald, 174
Rusk, Dean, 127, 192, 195
Russo, Paul, 19-20
Rustin, Bayard, 71
Ryan, Joseph, 270
Saba, Michael, 172
Sabra and Shatila refugee camps, xiii, 5-6, 58,
77, 216, 302, 342 Sacramento Religious Community for Peace,
Sadat, Anwar, 238, 297
Sadd, David, 104
Saeed, Agha, 346, 359
Safire, William, 109, 137, 178, 184
Said, Edward, 211-12, 220, 357
Salans, Carl, 194-96
Salant, Richard, 337
Sale, Richard, 182-83
Saltzman, Bettylu, 88
Samuelson, Arthur, 136
Sanders, Ed, 169-70, 175
Saperstein, David, 284
Sartawi, Isam, 301
Saunders, Harold, 15-16, 124-25, 299 and aid to Jordan, 164; and U.S. government leaks, 170
Sayre, Francis, 266-73
Schamus, James, 214, 215
Scheuer, James, 223
Schindler, Alexander, 135, 260
Schmitt, Harrison, 48
Schneiderman, David, 331
Schrayer, Elizabeth, 114
Schrayer, Robert, 114, 300
Secret Evidence Repeal Act, 78
Seelye, Talcott, 38, 169, 170
Seith, Alex, 111
Sella, Aviem, 179, 180-81
Senate Resolution 247, 115
September 11 attack, xii-xiii, 349, 351-52, 357, 367-68, 370
Shahak, Israel, 268, 270, 275, 282, 360
Shamir, Yitzhak, 138, 251, 342
Shapiro, Adam, 310-11
Sharett, Moshe, 296-97
Sharon, Ariel
and Abdullah peace plan, 371; and AIPAC, 36; and Bush, G. W, 356, 372-73; and invasion of Egypt, 354; and Jenin massacre, 356; and Sabra and Shatila refugee camps, 216; and (Bush's) war on terrorism, xi; and Vance vote, 140; and West Bank invasion, 357, 372-73
Shaw, John, 242
Shere, Dennis, 323
Shulman, Mrs. Avis, 332-33
Shultz, George, 33, 168, 180
Siegel, Mark, 45, 46
Siegman, Henry, 135, 259-60
Siljander, Mark, 255
Silverman, David Wolf, 284
Silverman, Ira, 221-22, 226, 230, 231
Silverman, Norman, 45
Simon, Paul, 112-14
Simon, Robert, 318
Simon, Seymour, 90
Sisinsky, Norman, 75
60 Minutes documentary about Jews in Syria,
335-36 Slayton, Gus, 201 Smalley, George, 237 Smith, Gerald, 56 Socolow, Sanford, 337 Sofaer, Abraham, 180 Sofronsky, Bernie, 320 Solarz, Stephen, 68-71, 169 Solomonow, Allan, 263 Southern Christian Leadership Conference,
62, 63 Spiegel, Albert, 138 Spikol, Liz, 309-10 "Spirit of 76" letter, 111 Spratt, John Jr., 75 Squadron, Howard, 63 Staggers, Harley, 75 Stein, Irwin, 285 Steiner, David, 71, 309 Stern, Grace Mary, 84, 88 Stevens, Roger, 118-19 Stevenson III, Adlai, 82-91
accusations of anti-Semitism against, 89;
and aid to Israel, 85-86; and AIPAC,
84-85; and Arab boycott of Israel, 87; and
criticism of Carter Administration, 83;
gubernatorial campaign, 82-89; presidential
campaign, 118, 131, 132 Stone, I. E, vii-viii, 303-6
Underground to Palestine, 304 Stone, Richard, 163 Stratton, Sam, 30 Strauss, Robert, 15, 21 Suez Canal Crisis, 3, 125 Sunderland, Jack, 328 Sundquist, Don, 38 Sutphin, Paul, 237, 238, 243 Swaggart, Jimmy, 253 Swecker, Stephen, 279 Swerdlow, Joel, 338
5 Index
Symms, Steven, 48
Syria, 333-34, 335-36
Talhami, Ayoub, 276
Taliaferro, Ray, 201
Taylor, William, 236
Teitelbaum, Josh, 57
Tel Zaatar refugee camp, 6
Tenenbaum, David, 184-85
Tenet, George, 184
Tennen, Edward, 216
Terrorist and the Superstar, The, 361-62
Terzi, Zuhdi Labib, 16, 61, 62, 63
Thompson, James Jr., 82
Thompson, Jim, 88
Thorpe, Merle Jr., 299
Ticktin, Max, 284
Toll, Carolyn, 284, 285-86, 304
Toward Tradition, 279
Tower, John, 104
Triad Foundation, 220, 221, 222, 223 Truman Administration
and Zionists, 120-21 Truman, Harry, 92
and Jacobson, 119; and Jewish statehood, 120-21; and sanctions on Israel, 122
Tuck, Pinkerton, 120
Turner, Ted, 326
U.S. hostages in Tehran, 16
U.S. marines in Lebanon, 29, 41, 77, 157
U.S. military sales to Israel, 173-76
USS Liberty, 125
CBS documentary about, 203-4; cover-up of, 190-99, 204-5; and Ennes, 187, 188, 192-94; Israeli attack on, 187-90, 206-7; and "Israeli Preliminary Inquiry 1/67," 194; Kidd Court of Inquiry file, 191-92, 194; and Limor testimony, 192; Navy Court of Inquiry on, 206-7; and Salans report, 194-96
USS Pueblo, 196
Vance, Cyrus, 10, 15
and aid to Israel, 68; and Arafat, 16; and Arms Export Control Act, 355; and McHenry vote, 129; and Secretary of State nomination, 10, 127, 129; and U.S. government leaks, 169, 170
Vanden, Harry, 244-45
Vedrine, Hubert, 371-72, 373, 374
Volkmann, Ernest, 261, 263, 269
Wagner, Don, 273-78, 324
Wagner, Robert, 121
Wallace, Mike, 335-36
Wallach, John, 288-89
Waller, Fred, 157-58
Wannal, Raymond Jr., 178
Ward, Miriam, 277-79
Warner, John, 31
Warnke, Paul, 129
War Powers Act, 30-31, 34, 76-77
Warshaw, Carmen, 72-72
Washington PAC, 45
Watergate, 105
Weicker, Lowell, 49
Weinberger, Caspar, 181, 182
Wendt, David, 237, 241-42
West, John, 38, 165-67
Whalen, Charles, 65
White, Merrie, 36
White, Stan, 199
Whittaker, S. C, 219
Wichser, Bob, 22
Wilhelm, John, 32
Wilson, George, 200
Wilson, John, 58
Wilson, Pete, 57
Wilson, Trish, 236-37, 243
Winship, Thomas, 342-43
Wofford, Harris, 221, 224, 225
Wolf, Arnold Jacob, 284
Wolfowitz, Paul, viii
Wolfson, Louis, 57
Wolpe, Howard, 70
Woods, Harriet, 47
Woodward, Bob, 164
Wright, Harrison, 223
Yagur, Joseph, 179
Yellen, Linda, 320
Young, Andrew
and Israeli espionage, 158; meeting with Terzi, 16, 159; resignation as ambassador, 61,62
Young Leadership Mission, 37 Zablocki, Clement, 46-47 Zogby, James, 245, 347, 350-51

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